Getting started


To install pmll use pip:

pip install pmll

Data structures

There are two main data structures in the package: feature and dataset.


Feature class is used to describe objects. Each feature has title and type.

Features are in feature space, they have title and optional type. Type is used to define possible operations with features, it could be lin, nom, bin, rank.

In [1]: from pmll.feature import Feature, FeatureNom, FeatureLin
In [2]: from collections import namedtuple
In [3]: Parallelepiped = namedtuple("Parallelepiped", ["colour", "length", "height", "width"])
In [4]: cube = Parallelepiped("red", 2, 2, 2)

Lets define features for new object: colour is nominal, others are linear.

In [5]: f = FeatureNom("colour")
In [6]: f(cube)
Out[6]: 'red'

In [7]: f1, f2, f3 = FeatureLin("length"), FeatureLin("height"), FeatureLin("width")

It is possible to multiply linear features, for example square equals length times height

In [8]: square = f1 * f2
In [9]: square.title
Out[9]: 'height*length'

In [10]: square(cube)
Out[10]: 4.0

In [11]: volume = square * f3
In [12]: volume.title
Out[12]: 'height*length*width'

In [13]: volume(cube)
Out[13]: 8.0

There are trigonometric functions available

In [14]: from pmll.feature.operations import sin, cos, tan
In [15]: f1sin = sin(f1)
In [16]: f1sin(cube)
Out[10]: 0.9092974268256817


Data class is used to represent objects using their features.

In [1]: from import Data
In [2]: from pmll.feature import FeatureLin
In [3]: d = Data([[0, 1, 2], [3, 1, 4], [-2, 0, 1], [2, -1, -1], [0, 0, 2]])

Data is used for objects manipulation. It also provides some statistical information, such as Variance inflation factor:

In [4]: d.vif
Out[4]: [0.22780361757105938, 0.5469767441860465, 0.34108527131782956]

and for each feature there is basic statistical information:

In [5]: d.stat
{<class 'pmll.feature.models.FeatureLin'>: f0 (scale=lin): {'max': 3.0,
  'mean': 0.59999999999999998,
  'min': -2.0,
  'std': 1.7435595774162693,
  'var': 3.04},
 <class 'pmll.feature.models.FeatureLin'>: f1 (scale=lin): {'max': 1.0,
  'mean': 0.20000000000000001,
  'min': -1.0,
  'std': 0.74833147735478833,
  'var': 0.56000000000000005},
 <class 'pmll.feature.models.FeatureLin'>: f2 (scale=lin): {'max': 4.0,
  'mean': 1.6000000000000001,
  'min': -1.0,
  'std': 1.6248076809271921,
  'var': 2.6400000000000001}}

Data object could be converted to numpy.matrix if features are linear:

In [6]: d.matrix
matrix([[ 0.,  1.,  2.],
        [ 3.,  1.,  4.],
        [-2.,  0.,  1.],
        [ 2., -1., -1.],
        [ 0.,  0.,  2.]])

To extend data objects, add them directly to data.objects. To extend data features, it is possible to sum data objects. Note, that data objects sould have the same number of objects and not intersected features.

In [7]: d2 = Data([[3], [7], [1], [-2], [4]], features=[FeatureLin('f3')])
In [8]: d = d + d2

Quality metrics calculation

In this part we use the same data object d as before. We will predict one feature using others and calculate quality metrics. In terms of data mining problem, it would be quality measure on train set.

In [9]: X, Y = d[:, :-1].matrix, d[:, -1:].matrix

We use least squares method here:

In [10]: w = (X.T * X) ** (-1) * X.T * Y
In [11]: w
Out[11]: matrix([[ 0.07751938], [-0.02325581],  [1.71317829]])

Prediction for train set would be

In [12]: prediction = X * w
In [13]: prediction
matrix([[ 3.40310078],
        [ 7.0620155 ],
        [ 1.55813953],
        [ 3.42635659]])

Lets measure quality of prediction of train set.

In [14]: from pmll.metrics.base import QualityMeasurerLinear
In [15]: q = QualityMeasurerLinear()
In [16]: for p, y in zip(prediction.tolist(), Y.tolist()):
   ....:     q.append(p[0], y[0])

In [17]: (q.mse, q.mae, q.rmse, q.nrmse, q.cvrmse)

Feature Generation

Feature generation is sweet with pmll. Unlike other libraries, pmll works with features, rather than data matrix columns. It allows to perform operations in feature space and then get objects for current data features.

Polynomial regression

Consider function as data object. First feature is x values, second feature is y values.

In [1]: from import Data
In [2]: from pmll.feature import FeatureLin
In [3]: import math
In [4]: d = Data([[x, math.sin(x)] for x in range(5)], features=[FeatureLin('x'), FeatureLin('y')])

Problem is to predict y value for x=4 using previous values. Linear model without feature generation is y = x * w

In [5]: X, Y = d.matrix[:-1, :-1], d.matrix[:-1, -1:]
In [6]: w = (X.T * X) ** (-1) * X.T * Y
In [7]: error = (d.matrix[-1:, :-1] * w - d.matrix[-1:, -1:]) ** 2
In [8]: error
Out[8]: matrix([[ 2.68232763]])

Lets generate features. Start with constant, so, model is y = w_0 + x * w_1 or (1, x) * (w_0, w_1)

In [9]: d.features = [d.features[0] ** 0] + d.features
In [10]: d.matrix
Out[10]: matrix([[ 1.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
                 [ 1.        ,  1.        ,  0.84147098],
                 [ 1.        ,  2.        ,  0.90929743],
                 [ 1.        ,  3.        ,  0.14112001],
                 [ 1.        ,  4.        , -0.7568025 ]])

In [11]: X, Y = d.matrix[:-1, :-1], d.matrix[:-1, -1:]
In [12]: w = (X.T * X) ** (-1) * X.T * Y
In [13]: error = (d.matrix[-1:, :-1] * w - d.matrix[-1:, -1:]) ** 2
In [14]: error
Out[14]: matrix([[ 1.8294489]])

Finally we use model y = w_3 * x^3 + w_2 * x^2 + w_1 * x + w_0

In [15]: d.features = d.features[:2] + [d.features[1] ** 2, d.features[1] ** 3] + d.features[2:]
In [14]: error
Out[14]: matrix([[ 0.59077377]])